Megalith Awesome Service that Works for You!
Megalith Asset Management is a digital asset and infrastructural management firm. The firm combines deep knowhow in the financial, economic, engineering, and other management practices applied to virtual and physical assets associated with cryptographic digital assets.

Megalith Asset Management
Our services include the management of the entire crypto-mining life cycle, including design, construction, commissioning, operating, maintaining, repairing, modifying, replacing and decommissioning/disposal of physical, digital and infrastructure assets, including development of renewable energies (including but not limited to solar systems and windmills.
Megalith Team
Our team collaborates with seasoned financial asset managers to offer complete turnkey solutions to investors.
Megalith Road Map
2.73 BTC / day
Self Mining & Hosting
1 USA Sites | 1 Australian Site
380 PH
2.73 BTC / day¹
90 MW
21.6 BTC / day
Self Mining & Hosting
1 USA Sites | 2 Australian Site
3,000 PH
21.6 BTC / day¹
480 MW
50.5 BTC / day
Self Mining & Hosting
1 USA Sites | 3 Australian Site
~7,000 PH
50.5 BTC / day¹
1200 MW

We can Help You
Level 1, 23 O’Connell Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Email: [email protected]